Review of CCA Annual Summer Outing: The Tarka Trail and Instow Beach
Despite decidedly dubious weather a group of intrepid travellers
and bikes met at Crediton railway station on Sat 18th July and
boarded the 10.38am train for Barnstaple.
Travelling in 4's the return fare was just £3.44 each!! What a
We had plenty of time to chat on the journey and then split into
3 parties at Barnstaple station: One party cycled to Bideford along
the Tarka trail, another walked to Fremlingham Quay also along the
trail, and the third went shopping in Barnstaple!!
Being a member of the walking party I enjoyed identifying many
wading birds on the beautiful estuary as we strolled along, and
being educated by Linda Lever about many of the lovely wild flowers
we saw along the path. There were skylarks and sparrows and even
the odd early ripe blackberry to eat as we passed. It began to
rain just before we reached Fremlingham and so we retreated to
the tearoom there for tea and delicious home made cakes
before walking back to the station after the rain
It was a great day out and all 3 groups met back at
the station for a friendly chatty journey home, secure in the
knowledge we had enjoyed ourselves without adding unduly to our
carbon footprints!!.
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