Crediton's Progress towards becoming a Transition Town

18 March 2008

The Steering Group are now in the process of completing the final paperwork for us to become an official Transition Town. Hooray!! At last!! 

Charles Mossman and Linda Lever went on a 2 day training last weekend to help facilitate this. Charles has sent this short report on their weekend: 

Linda and I attended Transition Town Training in Totnes over the 15/16 March. We learned:- how to vision a positive future, plan an open space event, give presentations on climate change and peak oil, how to build resilience in the community, about worldwide belief systems and the psychological models which can help us understand what is really happening, how to set up and organise a Transition Town organisation, and finally that the transition town concept is inclusive and that everyone is needed to make their own unique contribution. We met potential Transitioners from all over the UK and as far afield at Portland, Maine, USA. It was inspiring to see the message spreading so widely, so rapidly.
We hope to be sharing some of the concepts and training exercises with interested members of the group at a suitable time in the near future. We look forward to planning some events to faciltate this and will let you know what is happening in due course.