News from the CCA Steering Group
17 June 2008
We have now met three times since the AGM held in February this
year, meeting approximately every 6 weeks. We have had a full
agenda of topics to discuss, and have already had a change of
Chair; as reported in a previous newsletter.
The main issues taking up our time are:
CCA leaflet: we are in the process of producing
a new leaflet for CCA, which will include details of all the
sub-groups and unlike previous ones, will have an insert for
forthcoming events so the leaflet will not go out of date so
quickly. It will also be in full colour - look out for
CCA website: after the initial Google site, it
has been a priority to get a complete web-site set up. Having now
found a volunteer to create one, it is now in the process of being
built. Details will be announced in a future newsletter when ready.
It will also have the potential to have a lot more links, and will
be updated on a regular basis.
Transition Town: as seen in the previous
newsletter, we our now part of the Transition Towns Network after
completing the paperwork and formalities. Charles and Linda also
attended the TT Forum and Gerald the TT Network Liaison
CCA Sub-groups: the SG is keen to support and
liase with all of the sub-groups, and Linda has offered to take on
this role. Each group co-ordinator is invited to report on
activities, and also attend a SG meeting in turn. An interesting
report on the Energy Group's activites was delivered at the last
Strategy: this has been under discussion, and
initial ideas will be a major part of the next meeting in July,
prior to an event being held in September for all CCA members.
Other more mundane items on adoption of the CCA Constitution,
setting up a bank account and funding have also been discussed.
If any CCA member has an issue they feel the Steering Group
should be discussing, please contact me and we can put it on the
Agenda for a forthcoming meeting.
For more information email Core Group Leader, Dee Ross. Sign in to see more contact details..