- We source our electricity from Ecotricity who only use
electricity from 100% renewable resources.
- We use low energy light bulbs where possible.
- Our shop fridge and freezer are energy efficient to comply
with government guidelines.
- We offer a refil service on many cleaning products; washing
up liquid, laundry liquid, shampoos and conditioners.
- We, and our staff, are encouraged to put on an extra layer
of clothing rather than use the heating we have in the
- The majority of the products we sell are organic which reduces
the use of chemicals that have to be transported to the farms
and use a lot of energy in their production.
- We only sell vegetarian food; meat production contributing
around 15% of carbon emissions worldwide.
- We buy in from local suppliers where we can and none of the
food we sell is air freighted.
- We do not offer our customers plastic bags and over 90% of
our food packaging is biodegradable; paper or cellophane.
- All the takeaway cups and containers we use
are compostable.