As a certificated BS EN ISO 14001 business, both factory and
warehouse locations are committed to continual improvement.
Over recent years we have:
- Moved our lighting towards LED with motion sensor control.
- Moved to recycling all cardboard
- Moved waste products to Bio-digestion for energy
- Through process waste reduction halved our effluent
- Implemented a replacement policy of high efficiency motor
- With data from sub-metering, challenged all our ways of
Overall, we have:
- Reduced our gas usage per tonne manufactured through investment
and efficiency by over 40%
- Reduced our electricity usage per tonne manufactured through
behaviours, ways of working and investment by over 30%
- Reduced our water usage per tonne manufactured by recovery,
investment, reuse and ways of working by over 40%
- Moved all our waste away from landfill to zero
We don't plan to stop there. We are currently pulling our
strategy together for the period from 2016 - 2020 (against 2013
baseline) This includes targets to reduce :-
- CO2 by 22%
- Energy by 21%
- Water by 5%
- Waste by 26%