Core Values

Graphic representation of a flower

The key themes of sustainability which we focus on are:

  • energy - conservation, renewable energy and heat
  • waste management - reducing food waste, packaging and use of plastic, promting reusing, recycling
  • transport - better public transport, encouraging walking and cycling
  • food - growing and farming sustainably, eating local, healthy food
  • local economy - supporting locally owned businesses, credit union, local currency

We aim to encourage & help local people to lead more sustainable lifestyles and work towards a carbon-neutral future by organising community events & projects such as:

For details of our current events, take a look at our What's On page.

Latest News: New opportunities to get involved in our leadership

Coming Soon: Sustainable Crediton's Annual Meeting  (10th April)

Get Involved! Want to give a helping hand?

Campaign of the Month: Thanks to Create Storage Ltd of Crediton