Continuing with our long term coppicing project, working in a
mature mixed woodland in a beautiful location on Mid Devon.
Coppicing brings many benefits both in rejuvenating the woodland
and encouraging greater biodiversity by creating new habitats.
We work with hand tools only: no chainsaws.
If ... |
The first of a series of three workshops. These offer a more
intensive and supportive programme than the drop in sessions also
listed. To reserve a place on all three workshops, book at this eventbrite link and note it
is a three session programme. The further workshops are on 9th and
16th October. ... |
A community project making eco-friendly 'bags for community'
with Patchwork Crediton.
Free event: donations welcome!
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Suitable for potential participants interested in a more
intensive and supportive programme than the drop in sessions also
listed. This is the second in a series of three workshops, the
other two being on 2nd and 16th October.
To reserve a place on all three workshops, book at this eventbrite link ... |
Suitable for potential participants interested in a more
intensive and supportive programme than the drop in sessions also
listed. This is the third in a series of three workshops, the other
two being on 2nd and 9th October.
To reserve a place on all three workshops, book at this eventbrite link.
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Continuing with our long term coppicing project, working in a
mature mixed woodland in a beautiful location on Mid Devon.
Coppicing brings many benefits both in rejuvenating the woodland
and encouraging greater biodiversity by creating new habitats.
We work with hand tools only: no chainsaws.
If ... |
The Hub will be open to welcome droppers-in who would like to
find out about the many and growing activities of Sustainable
Crediton, and to share their ideas about current issues.
Every third Thursday, same time.
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Bugs in Crediton
now snug!
Wildlife in Crediton got a boost last month when
people came to Sustainabubble to make Bug Hotels for their gardens.
Chair of SusCred, Terry Hadley built the wooden frames and we then
filled them with twigs, bamboo, leaves, dry grass and other natural
materials. These ho ... |
A presentation by Peter Savage of Bowden Hostas.
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Continuing with our long term coppicing project, working in a
mature mixed woodland in a beautiful location on Mid Devon.
Coppicing brings many benefits both in rejuvenating the woodland
and encouraging greater biodiversity by creating new habitats.
We work with hand tools only: no chainsaws.
If ... |