Welcome to the bumper September edition.
Main news: it's Green Fair in the Square time, this Saturday
24th, 11am to 2pm.
We will have displays about the Community Larder whose
volunteers will also be serving a range of home-made soups, our
pollinator project, woodland management group, community allotment,
information about green banking, tips on sustainable living, seed
sharing, tree planting, lift sharing... the list goes on -
We will also be hosting Orchards Live, Devon Wildlife Trust, The
Bike Shed, Crediton Garden Club, Newton St Cyres Environment and
Well-being Group, the smoothie bike, Turning Tides, community
energy information and live music. You will also be able to update
our wish tree and messages to Mel Stride MP. So there's something
for everyone - do come along and join us, we look forward to seeing
you on Saturday.
On a more mundane point: I'm struggling with a minor but
niggling issue relating to the newsletter production. If there are
any former newsletter editors / SusCred website contributors out
there who wouldn't mind being asked, please drop me a line at our
info@ email account. Thanks!
John Craythorne, on behalf of Core Group