Welcome to your newsletter.
It's a bit of a call to action this month: the Community
Allotment is becoming well established and will benefit from more
people becoming involved. We have inherited a really good set
up, with two sheds, water butts, delineated beds etc. It has the
potential to become a great community asset on a number of levels.
Read all about it, and come along if you can.
The Larder is going really well, supported by a substantial
group of volunteers; but of course the more the better in order to
spread the load.
We now have a tree nursery, where we recently planted our first
trees pending finding them permanent homes, probably next
All in all, plenty of reasons to enjoy a Jubilee treat (see this
month's recipe), and to fly our flag in celebration!
Best wishes to all,
John Craythorne, newsletter editor, on behalf of Core Group