Dear Supporter
This email is to correct errors which I made in my earlier email
on this subject. Please read!
It seems that it is normal practice for motions put to the full
council to be referred to the relevant sub committee for detailed
consideration: in this case the Environment Policy Development
Group (EPDG). After consideration by the EPDG, it will then be
referred back to the full council.
The EDPG will next meet at 5.30pm on July 13th at Phoenix House,
Tiverton. This meeting will be held in public (via zoom, in this
case). You can attend on line, and ask questions by the same route
as before; by emailing the council at in advance. So there will be
opportunity at this meeting for members of the public to attend
virtually and ask questions.
The meeting at Lords Meadow on 1st July can only be
attended in person in limited numbers and by prior arrangement, as
there are no facilities for Zoom. I have been asked to
emphasise that because of covid restrictions, there will be no
admissions to the Leisure Centre other than by prior arrangement.
Please respect this.
I hope this clears matters up, apologies to the council
for the factual inaccuracies previously.
John Craythorne
on behalf of Sustainable Crediton