Give and Take Shop
The Give and Take Shop opposite Boots in
Crediton High Street has been a resounding success. In just 5 days
over 2000 people have visited the shop and over 3.5 tonnes of
household goods and clothes have been given and much taken away. We
have been on BBC Radio Devon and Spotlight. The shop is open Monday
to Friday 10am to 4pm until Saturday 21st February. The last day
for giving donations will be the 18th Feb to help us run down
stocks. We are no longer taking old VHS video cassettes in the shop
as there appears to be no use for them now. We are taking any
reusable items which can be hand carried into the shop by one
person. Any mains electrical or large items can be taken to
Refurnish Crediton next to Morrisons.
Seed Share
As the Give and Take Shop is winding down on
the 21st February, the Food Group will be having its annual Seed
Share in the Old Town Hall, Searle Street from 11am to 2pm. Now
in our fifth year and growing in popularity every year. In addition
to trying locally saved seeds and heritage seeds, come and find out
about Seed Saving, Bee Keeping and Composting. This year enjoy
music by the Woodsmen, members of the Woodland and Hedgerow Group.
Visit our stalls - Once Read Bookstall, Devon Wildlife Trust,
Woodland and Hedgerow Group, Orchards Live, plants, and have a
luscious homemade lunch.
Appeal for Volunteers
The Crediton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (CNPSG) has
issued an appeal for volunteers to help data enter the Crediton
household survey for an hour and a quarter. You may know that the
CNPSG have been delivering Household Surveys to every address in
the town to help them gather views and opinions that will guide
their Neighbourhood Plan. The response has been extremely
good and they now have approximately 1200 completed surveys for
data input into the Crediton Neighbourhood Plan Survey Monkey. It
takes 1 ¼ hours to input 10 surveys. Please contact if you can give this
time. Training will be provided if you have not used Survey Monkey
The MDDC Local Plan review consultation is now on and continues
until the 30th March. The Local Plan Review will guide development
in the district over the next 20 years and is reaching the final
stages in its preparation and development. It aims to make sure
that new homes, jobs and services required by communities are
located in the most sustainable places. It will also help deliver
the infrastructure, facilities and other development needed to make
this possible.There will be public exhibitions coming to Crediton
on :
Saturday 21 Feb: Crediton Mid Devon District Council Area
Office, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Tuesday 24 Feb: Crediton Mid Devon District Council Area Office,
4pm - 7pm
Global Divestment Day February 14th
Fossil Free Divestment is the
campaign to get our universities, pension funds, cities, banks and
institutions to shift their investments from fossil
fuels. An exciting
action because it questions the morality of investing in fossil
fuels and aims to reduce funds available to companies who produce,
promote and lobby for fossil fuels; it also affects the
institutions who collude in overvaluing them on the basis of
reserves that must stay in the ground if devastating climate change
RIGHT NOW! Click on the capitalised words to the left
and follow the instructions on the Transition Exeter webpage.