Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 47

Photograph of Linda Lever at the Sustainable Crediton stall at the Food Festival

Welcome to Sustainable Crediton's monthly newsletter.

Event Catch Up

You can catch up on all of last month's events in the "In case you missed it" section below where we have write ups from the hustings, forage walk, skill share meeting, and the community market. The Skill Share Group is one of the new groups arising from our January Back to the Future event. They are keen to have new members to help organise the best way to collect and share skills. If you are interested please contact Dee Ross.

Crediton Celebrates Food for the 6th Time !

The Crediton Food Festival will again take place in the Town Square over the weekend of the 14-15th June. Our Food Group will be having their, not to be missed, amazing salad bar for the Big Sunday Lunch. Throughout the event our Waste Action Group will be providing recycling services.

Waste Action Group Receives~£1500 in Grants

The Waste Action Group has received two grants to help in setting up a Pop Up Shop later this year. One grant of nearly £950 has come from Awards for All and £500 has come from Devon County Council. The money will be used to cover rental, utility and other costs in running the shop for a couple of weeks.

Fed Up with Negative News?

Well Positive News is due out again in June. Look out for it in Crediton Library or Ashton's Coffee Lounge to make sure you get a copy.

Dates for your Diary
2nd June

Waste Action Group meeting

11th June

Blossom and Joy: Summer ‘Reboot’

14th June

6th Crediton Food and Drink Festival

15th June

Sunday Salad Bar at Crediton Food and Drink Festival

23rd June

June Energy Group Meeting

24th June

June Core Group Meeting

12th July

July Community Market

26th July

Waste Plastic collection

27th September

Waste Plastic Collection

29th November

Waste Plastic Collection

Regular Events
In case you missed it...
3rd May

Review of Inaugural Meeting of the Skill Share Group

Notes from First Meeting At the first meeting the overall theme that emerged was keep it simpl ...

10th May

Review of May Community Market

Review: there were about 10 stallholders selling plants, preserves, apple juice and some produce. ...

12th May

Review of Crediton Forage Walk

Review: Herbalist Helen from Tiverton guided about 20 interested people on a Foraging Walk around ...

13th May

Review of European Parliament Election Hustings

Report on the Hustings Around 60 people of all ages attended the hustings at QE Academy. Glyn ...

20th May

Feedback from the Energy Meeting

27th May

Feedback from the Core Values Meeting

News Highlights
Logo for Rainforest Rescue

Land grabbing for palm oil? NO means NO

In Liberia, the Jogbahn Clan is fighting to keep British palm oil company Equatorial Palm Oil PLC (EPO) from grabbing their land. On March 5, 2014, the community had a major success when the President of Liberia said EPO could not clear Jogbahn Clan land without community consent. The communit ...

Logo for the Boniface Trail Group

Pedal Power!

The Boniface Trail Group are launching Crediton's own cycling guide this month. The leaflet aims to put Crediton firmly on the cycling map for both visitors and locals alike. Kath Porter, a key member of the group, explains: "Crediton is a great place to cycle - the surrounding villages ar ...

Crediton Library Seeks Your Help

Devon County Council (DCC) want your views on a series of proposed changes to the way the library service operates in Devon. They have developed seven proposals for the future of Devon Libraries which have been influenced by a range of factors, including the: changing use of libraries ...

Greens and Tories upset UKIP in Mid Devon

In the European Elections nationally UKIP were the dominant party. However in Mid Devon the Conservative Party managed to hold off the UKIP charge with the Green Party taking third place. The votes cast were as follows: Conservative 7213 UKIP 7175 Green 2836 Labour 2190 Lib Dem 1 ...

Proposed Charge for Garden Waste Collection Unwelcome

Forty nine newsletter readers responded to the Waste Action Group's mini-survey about the proposed changes to Mid Devon's recycling service from October 2015. The respondents were broadly not in favour of the introduction of a charged garden waste collection service, however the great majority ...

Unbelievable!: Ten Tonnes of Waste Plastic Collected

During May's waste plastic collection, the total amount of waste plastic collected at our bimonthly collections exceeded ten tonnes in weight over 14 collections. That's over 700 dumpy bags of the stuff, or seven double decker bus loads saved from landfill. We have produced a graph of the am ...

Energy Group Seeks Massive Grant

During April and early May, the Energy Group conducted a competitive bid to find a consultant to help us put together a feasibility study about community energy in Crediton. The bid was between three companies and we are pleased to announce that the Devon Association for Renewable Energy (DARE) was ...

“You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot - it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive. ”

Maya Angelou