1st December 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 53

As the end of 2014 is approaching rapidly, our thoughts naturally turn to seasonal celebrations. Look out for our Christmas Tree at the Christmas Tree Festival in Holy Cross Church from the 4th to 7th December. Our tree has the theme "Waste in Wonderland" as the decorations will be made from ...

Logo for the Boniface Trail Group
20th November 2014

November Sustainable Crediton Events Reminder

Hello Everyone, We have four events coming up over the final weekend of the month. Crediton Christmas Lights Parade There will be a Victorian themed fancy dress flag parade on Friday 28th organised by the Arts Centre. We are taking part with Gerald Conyngham our flag holder. Why not jo ...

2nd November 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 52

Welcome to November's newsletter. Our Energy Group's feasibility study into a renewable energy project has produced a lot of welcome feedback both in the local papers and social media. You can get a flavour of the discussions by accessing our Facebook page and reading the report below. One ...

16th October 2014

October Sustainable Crediton Events Reminder

We have two big events coming up over the next few days and our organisers would really appreciate your support. This week is One World Week and taking place on the 18th October is Crediton's first Justice Day, which comprises the Justice Fayre and the Big Event. We shall be having a stall at ...

30th September 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 51

Welcome to the first newsletter this autumn with lots going on... A chance to hear about running your group in a more enterprising way from two excellent speakers, and the latest funding opportunities at this free event on the 7th October at the Boniface Centre from 10am to 2pm. The fina ...

DVD cover for "Age of Stupid"
16th September 2014

September Events Reminder

There are so many important, interesting and varied events coming up over the next two weeks that we felt that this extra email would be worthwhile. On the 21st September we have an unprecedented chance to prove how much we care about climate change with the largest climate mobilisation in ...

31st August 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 50

Welcome to September's Newsletter. After a quiet August we have several events taking place this month which are listed in the What's On section below. Firstly, we are delighted to announce that Sustainable Crediton has just been awarded a substantial sum from the Rural Community Energy Fun ...

31st July 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 49

Welcome to the August Sustainable Crediton Newsletter. This August is a quiet month for our activities as our groups tend to have a well earned rest. However the August Community Market is taking place on Saturday 9th August in the Town Square from 10am to 1pm. The Waste Action Group is mannin ...

Illustration of Crediton cycling guide
30th June 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 48

Welcome to Sustainable Crediton's monthly newsletter. There are four Sustainable Crediton organised events this month, three regular and one very special event: The launch of Crediton's very own cycling guide. On the 16th July at 7:30 pm at the Boniface Centre, there will be a presentatio ...

Photograph of Linda Lever at the Sustainable Crediton stall at the Food Festival
1st June 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 47

Welcome to Sustainable Crediton's monthly newsletter. Event Catch Up You can catch up on all of last month's events in the "In case you missed it" section below where we have write ups from the hustings, forage walk, skill share meeting, and the community market. The Skill Share Group is ...

14th May 2014

May Events Reminder

I want to mention four events coming up over the next two weeks. Big Community Energy Weekend 17th and 18th May Four local homes of Sustainable Crediton supporters ( 26 Old Tiverton Road, Crediton; Redlands, George Hill, Crediton; 13 Old Rectory Gardens, Morchard Bishop; and Beech Hill Co ...

30th April 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 46

Welcome to Sustainable Crediton's monthly newsletter. We have seven events coming up this month which must be a record. There should be something for everyone ! How many will you attend? Have your say about Recycling Changes You may have heard that Mid Devon District Council are proposing ...

16th April 2014

Please Show Your Support for our Crediton Community Energy Project

Your help needed! Please show your support for our Crediton Community Energy Project. Just click here , say YES in the email and press send. We are applying for a big grant for a feasibility study for setting up a community owned, not for private profit, company to generate e ...

1st April 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 45

COMMUNITY OWNED ENERGY FOR CREDITON? Did you know that there are at least 5,000 groups in UK working on community renewable energy projects and that 60 Megawatts of electricity can already be generated by community owned companies and the estimate is that this will rise to 3 Gigawatts in the ...

20th March 2014

March Events Reminder

We have three events coming up before the end of the month. Firstly, we have the eagerly awaited talk "Fracking - Golden Goose or Dead Duck" taking place at the Boniface Centre on March 26th from 7:15pm for 7:30pm start as part of Sustainable Crediton's AGM. Fracking is touted as a way to ...

5th March 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 44

My sincere apologies if you are receiving this for the second time this week or if you are only just receiving it for the first time. We have had some issues with our website server and several supporters have told us that they haven't received this month 's newsletter. Hence this additional c ...

Photograph of seed pods on a plant stalk
11th February 2014

Sustainable Crediton February Events Reminder

Hello Everyone, This will be a short email reminder of the events happening over the next couple of weeks. Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) is reviewing the Local Plan for development in Mid Devon over the next 15-20 years, including the Core Strategy, the Allocations and Infrastructure ...

What we should START
31st January 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 43

2014 has got off to a really positive start! A tonne of waste plastic collected, hedge layers and cyclists out enjoying themselves in all weathers and a memorable Back to the Future event which exceeded our expectations in terms of ideas and enthusiasm generated. Read all about it in the news ...

Mind Map of the Vision for Sustainable Crediton
15th January 2014

Sustainable Crediton seven years old - what next?

Is Sustainable Crediton On the Right Track? Are we being effective in what we do? What do you think? Do you have ideas for future projects that could make a real difference? Sustainable Crediton needs your input to shape and influence our direction over the next five years. Please join u ...

Extracts from the 2014 Vision for Crediton leaflet
2nd January 2014

Sustainable Crediton Newsletter Issue 42

Happy New Year 2014 to all Sustainable Crediton Supporters ! Isn't it amazing that Sustainable Crediton is seven years old in 2014. Seven years of practical work to make Crediton - and Mid Devon - more fit for a sustainable future, a place where 'Crediton's people are healthy, enjoy a good q ...