Our Strategy

The Paris Agreement of December 2015 achieved a broad international consensus on the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and has set ambitious targets for limiting global temperature rises over pre-industrial levels. While the government commitments are welcome, we believe it is essential that citizens everywhere take direct action within their communities to ensure these commitments become a reality.

We believe Crediton can set an example in reducing dependence on fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gases. We also believe we need to focus on a wider scope of sustainability than just the environmental concerns:

to ensure our overall needs are met without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs


Our Mission

Our mission is to help people in Crediton and the local area to lead more sustainable lifestyles and work towards a carbon-neutral future.

Our Vision

green eye

We see a positive future where people value and respect the environment and understand the need to conserve the natural world and its finite resources. We will have moved away from fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gases and thereby minimised the human influence on climate change.


How will we generate enough power?green leaf plug

We will no longer expect unlimited access to energy. It will become an expensive and valued commodity rather than being taken for granted.

There will be a more distributed approach to power-generation using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro & geothermal; by recycling waste through anaerobic digestion and by utilising waste heat via combined heat & power (CHP). Local renewable energy schemes and micro-generation techniques will be encouraged.

Smart technologies will enable more efficient use, storage and distribution of electricity, including better management of supply & demand via the smart grid.

Building and planning regulations will ensure that all new buildings are super-insulated, generate renewable energy and conserve water. There will be a range of governmentsubsidised options for upgrading older buildings to comply with the new standards. 

New builds will re-use brownfield, derelict or abandoned sites wherever possible and, where feasible, use local building materials.

How will we manage waste?

green recycleWe want to move to a zero waste economy, a society where resources are fully valued both financially and environmentally. Waste will be reduced through reuse, repair & recycling. Organic waste will be composted. Industrial scale waste will be reduced to a minimum.

Legislation will minimise over-production of resources, including forcing supermarkets and chain stores to reduce surplus packaging (especially oil-based plastics) and eliminate food waste. 

Products (especially those with high carbon costs) will be built to last longer and be repairable and upgradable rather than disposable or designed with planned obsolescence. We will buy less, and re-use more (e.g. wearing more clothes in cold weather or repairing broken items). Hiring and sharing of goods will become more
common, resulting in an increase in local exchange trading schemes, bartering and swap shops.

How will we travel?green car

Electric cars, scooters and other clean-energy vehicles will become the norm, replacing petrol and diesel cars. 

Better coverage and connectivity will ensure that public transport becomes the normal mode of travel between
Crediton, Exeter and the nearby villages.

There will be more cycle-friendly facilities (e.g. safer cycle routes, ability to take bikes on buses) and improved footpaths.

Car and bike clubs will be commonplace and we will routinely use such facilities instead of owning a vehicle.

There will be an increase in home-working where we use internet technologies, videoconferencing etc. to minimise the need for commuting.

As the costs of air travel rise, we will fly less, using high speed/low energy trains to travel across counties and continents.

There will be a trend for holidaying closer to home which will create further opportunities for tourism in the South West with the potential for Crediton to become a centre of excellence for food and arts & crafts, creating a wide range of attractions.

What will be the impact on food & farming?

food bagLocal farmers and other growers will no longer use fossil fuel derived fertilizers and will instead practice low input/organic, mixed farming methods which conserve soils and maintain a natural ecological balance.

Since importing food will be more expensive (due to increased production & transport costs), more produce will be grown locally so that there is less dependence on imported goods. We will increasingly grow our own fruit & vegetables in gardens, on allotments and in community plots.

Attitudes to food will necessarily change so that we do not expect to eat cheap out-of season and exotic foods. Diets will be simpler with healthier, non-processed food, less meat and little waste.

Drought or deluge?green leaf

Climate change will continue to cause more extreme weather conditions, resulting in increased periods of both
flooding and drought.

Long-term flood prevention measures will be introduced. For example, hard landscaping of gardens (which increases run-off) will be discouraged whilst tree-planting will be encouraged so that rain water is absorbed.

In order to conserve water during drought periods and also to minimise the energy costs of purification, water will need to be used more efficiently and re-use systems introduced. Every home will have water conservation devices such as 'smart' water meters and/or and water butts. Systems to use surface water and grey water will be increasingly installed in new builds and older houses will be retro-fitted with watersaving measures.

How will this affect the economy?

green poundThere will be a greater emphasis on local economies and ethical business. 'Buy local' will be the order of the day, minimising transport costs whilst supporting the local economy and reducing our dependence on multinationals. More money will be kept circulating in the local economy. Local and community businesses, co-operatives, local banks and credit unions will thrive.

International trade will uphold the values of fair trade, recognising the true value of products rather than exploiting poorer countries to provide us with cheap goods.