The Community Market is about
encouraging sustainability by providing a space for local
householders, smallholders and local craftspeople to sell the
items they have grown or made locally. Local groups
or charities are welcome to fundraise or advertise themselves.
We hope this will stimulate shopping in the town and help keep
Crediton from losing its uniqueness, especially in having so many
independent retailers.
Our markets are intended to be complementary to the Farmers'
Markets, not to compete with them.
As the aim is to promote sustainable living, the market is not
intended to be a general market for people from long
distances. The community market is for local people to have a space
to sell produce they grow on a smallholding, allotment or from
their back garden. Small local food producers are also very
welcome. Last year there were some excellent craft stalls
perfect for gifts or a personal treat. Small is beautiful as far
a Sustainable Crediton are concerned so even if you only have
a basket of items to sell, we would love you to come along to
the market and join in the friendly atmosphere.
Come to sell or swap
Come to sell or swap surplus garden
produce or produce from your smallholding, sell locally produced
crafts and non food produce, promote or raise funds for
your local organisation. Even if you only have a dozen eggs or
some tomatoes and a few courgettes, bring along a basket of goods
to sell or swap for other produce.
For those wishing to attend the market as a stall holder, all
that is asked is a donation towards the costs of the day and
to bring your own table and wet weather protection. So as long as
you live within the local newspaper distribution area around
Crediton you would be very welcome.
NB: If you are bringing meat or dairy products you must adhere
to food safety regulations
Nothing to sell? Come and buy!
Wondering what there is to buy at the
community market? There is always find something of interest at
the market that can include a varied range of items such as
home grown vegetables, local cheeses, eggs, cakes, chutneys
and jams, flowers, jewellery, crafts, cards, gifts, knitted and
fabric creations of all kinds.
Come along and see what local people have to offer for sale and
buy a truly unique craft for yourself or as a gift or enjoy
fresh local food.
The market is also intended to be space where charities and
local groups can come and let people know about themselves or
fundraise. Musicians have come along and entertained at the market,
showcasing their talent. Local groups such as the scouts, the
badminton club, knitting and spinning clubs also came last
year, to let people know about themselves and to
Please come along and support the market.
This year we plan to have markets every month or so during
the summer. If you are interested send us your email address so
that we can keep you informed of dates.
Dates for 2014
10am-1pm, Crediton Town Square: 10 May, 12 July , 9 August, 13
September, 11 October.